Download The Old Farmer Almanac 2019 Moon Calendar Old Farmer Almanac 9781571987822 Books

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The Old Farmer Almanac 2019 Moon Calendar Old Farmer Almanac 9781571987822 Books Reviews
- Beautiful calendar with stunning photos. I garden by the moon but fun reading little facts and lore about about the best times to do different activities that aren't associated with planting.
- Nice pictures and contains interesting Moon related facts, plus their “Best Days†list for each month- as in “best days to cut your hair to encourage growth, or best days to go fishing, etc.â€...
- The Moon calendar is packed full of great information and beautiful photos. I order one each year and really enjoy it.
- Good price
- I was looking for a calendar that showed the phases of the moon. Unfortunately, even though this is called Moon, it only shows the phases other calendars show and is limited to 3 or 4 phases. There is a chart at the back of the calendar that gives dates for getting favorable results for various things, but I was expecting moon phases; not dates.
- Beautiful pictures
- It's Amazing Calendar.
- Awesome