» Read Online Theophilus North A Novel Harperperennial Modern Classics edition by Thornton Wilder Literature Fiction eBooks
Barbra Camacho on Sunday, May 19, 2019
Read Online Theophilus North A Novel Harperperennial Modern Classics edition by Thornton Wilder Literature Fiction eBooks

Product details - File Size 3773 KB
- Print Length 425 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN 1583483861
- Publisher Harper Perennial Modern Classics; Reprint edition (April 9, 2019)
- Publication Date April 9, 2019
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

Theophilus North A Novel Harperperennial Modern Classics edition by Thornton Wilder Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
- This is the story of a learned young man spending a summer in Newport in the 20s. At its core, it is a series of short stories, the outcome of which are easy to anticipate. But, the writing is so fabulous that the pleasure is in simply reading the words. I read the book for the first time 40 years ago, and it is equally enjoyable today. How can anyone resist sentences such as "Filumena and Agnese were bafflingly identical and so beautiful that the world was enhanced by the duplication." (pp. 236/237)
- Thornton Wilder is an amazing writer (the only American writer to win 2 Pulitzer prizes, in both Fiction and Drama.) After September 11,Tony Blair quoted his "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" ..."Theophilus North" is an epitome of humanity, Enlightenment, hope; practical lessons of Love and humbleness. The joy reading "Theophilus North" gave me could be compared with reading J. D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey. Amazing, Marvelous.
- I recently read Thornton Wilder's "The Eighth Day" and enjoyed it so much that I wanted to explore some of Wilder's other works. Although it reads completely different than "Eighth Day"' this book was equally captivating. The characters and setting are engaging, and I found the book hard to put down. Oh, and Christopher Buckley's introduction was terrific.
- I have read Theophilus North several times and I hope to read it a few more. There is nothing quite like it, except maybe Groundhog Day, for providing you with something to think about that never really grows stale. The ideas contained in this book will change your life if you let them.
- An excellent read, I highly recommend this book. Theophilus is a captivating character, and the preface and notes at the end of the book made me want to learn more about Thornton Wilder. I'm looking forward to my next Wilder read!
- If you were a relative of a friend of mine and were graduating from high school or college, you would get this book from me. That may sound risky -- "The old guy just gave me my own copy of Theophilus North." -- but most of them have gone out of their way to tell me what the book meant to them. It is that important.
- Read this as part of my book club. I enjoyed it a great deal - well written.
- I saw part of the movie Mr. North with Anthony Edwards and I liked what I saw so I bought the novel. My local library did not have a copy of this book. Mr. Wilder wrote this novel in his mid 70's and I thought it was great. I just ordered a copy of the Mr. North movie to compare it with the book. I look forward to seeing it. The story is set in Newport, Rhode Island in the 1920's. I suspect Mr. Wilder wrote the novel from his journals and notes. He was stationed in Newport during the 1st World War in an artillery unit at Fort Adams I think. A really good read. I recommend it.