» Read Online Wallpaper* City Guide Melbourne Wallpaper* 9780714877655 Books
Barbra Camacho on Friday, May 17, 2019
Read Online Wallpaper* City Guide Melbourne Wallpaper* 9780714877655 Books

Product details - Series Wallpaper
- Paperback 128 pages
- Publisher Phaidon Press (March 27, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0714877654

Wallpaper* City Guide Melbourne Wallpaper* 9780714877655 Books Reviews
- Wallpaper city guides aren't quite like your average guide--they focus on the architecture, art, and design of the city. I particularly liked this little Bogota guide, as much of the information available for Colombia was quite underwhelming. This guide gave a great visual picture of the city, and gave me some great ideas for which neighborhoods to visit and which sites to seek out once I arrived. Another plus, it's very small, and while it has limited information, it's also extremely easy to carry around with you while touring the city.
- I knew this wasn't going to be a standard guidebook. But the information it provides is so unsubstantial, so utterly useless, that I can't see it being helpful to anyone. There are only a couple examples in each section (shopping, restaurants) and they cater to very wealthy travelers. This guide managed also to make a number of sensationalistic claims about Colombia, with references to the former kidnap capital, the former murder capital (Medellin).
- Seriously, these are not for everyone. If you love fabulous design and that is an important part of why you travel, Wallpaper Guides are the best!
- Best pocket guides available, because they are the smallest, and actually fit in an actual pocket - imagine that. Have a map in back you can mark up, several blank pages to write your itinerary in. More "contemporary" than most guides, many average tourists won't like. Younger people may. We did.
- Mostly pictures - not much travel information - a rather strange format for what purports to be a guide
- I love all the Wallpaper* City Guides. They are so easy to travel with, doesn't take too much space in your bag and it's filled with wonderful architectural, design and cool tips of where to go and what to do while traveling to that city, this case, Washington DC.
Totally recommend all of the Wallpaper* City Guides if you are into Design in general. - not a travel guide at all,but it has beautiful pics,and interesting points of the city.The pics alone are worth the price.LOve this series,planning to buy several other city guides.
- I recently spent a day and a half in Rome, and this was an almost-perfect guide to all of the sorts of things I like to do when I visit cities. I say "almost" because there's no map! The book lists the street address for each destination, but fails to include info on how to get there (e.g., bus lines, nearest subway stop). So buy this as a handy guide to all things hip and happening, but also invest in an indexed street map so you can get where you want to go.