» Download PDF Vader Little Princess Jeffrey Brown Books
Barbra Camacho on Thursday, May 23, 2019
Download PDF Vader Little Princess Jeffrey Brown Books

Product details - Hardcover
- Publisher Chronicle Books; F First Edition Used edition (April 23, 2013)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 9781452118697
- ISBN-13 978-1452118697
- ASIN 1452118698

Vader Little Princess Jeffrey Brown Books Reviews
- I purchased this book to give to my husband during our baby shower, just so that he had a little gift of his own to open. We are expecting our first child, a baby girl, and this is perfect for him as he is a huge Star Wars fan. I think he will really enjoy reading this to her, and sharing his love of Star Wars. The book is adorable and my husband laughed his way through it as Darth Vader attempts to raise his little princess. It was the perfect 'little something' for him to open on his own at the shower. If we ever have a little boy, I'll be sure to get Darth Vader and Son as well!
- This is the perfect gift for a Star Wars (SW) lover and his daughter. It's cute with references that the father will get but the child will enjoy. I found this book while browsing through , but I originally saw the author's work through Reddit. The author is active in the community and his comics have always had that slightly sarcastic and playful tone that I think all ages can enjoy.
While the book is clearly not representative of the true father-daughter relationship these two had, there are plenty of humanizing moments that really make you connect to the characters in the book, and might even teach a valuable lesson in parenting (or two).
If you or someone you know is really into SW (and especially if they have a daughter), I'd recommend this book. It's really lighthearted and fun for anyone and everyone familiar with the series. - It is not really a kids book. It is a Star Wars humor comic that is best for Star Wars fans, who are parents of girls. It has some funny uses of well known Star Wars movie quotes, repurposed for daughter-parent humor. The situations are very stereotypical and has been infused into the Star Wars mythos, which helps it from being completely "been there heard that" ( e.g. daughter wearing inappropriate clothes, father being embarrassing, father-boyfriend dynamics, daughter on the phone a lot etc). I would not pay a lot for this book but I got it for $2 on sale as an ebook and that price seems fair.
- I ordered this as a dad baby shower gift for a guy who is having a baby girl. I wanted a children's book about a girl that a dad could relate to. He is a huge Star Wars fan, so I thought this would be perfect and it is! It is funny, clever, and I'm pretty sure my own dad said a few of things in this book to me when I was a girl. Heck, I think he's probably said a few of the things to me in the past few days and I'm an adult now. This is a great gift for first time dads.
- Love Jeffrey Brown's humour and his drawings! Definitely a must have book for those Vader fans and a big laugh for Star Wars fans and everyone in general. It is genius to think of Darth Vader (The baddest villain ever) in common run of the mill situations with his young daughter. Shows you what could have been if things had been a little different.
I also own Darth Vader and Son and highly recommend both. You will laugh, you will feel identified if you have children or your close family has them and you will have fun looking at normal child situations from a Star Wars perspective. - Hilarious "what if" book on what Darth Vader would have been like raising his kids. The series is funny and touches upon a lot of the things parents experience raising children such as defying bedtime, teenagers wearing inappropriate clothing or texting, etc.
This would be a fun gift for adult Star Wars fans. Not sure if it would be appropriate with little kids as some of the humor is more appropriate for older kids (like 10 and up). Some of the pages show Leia dating Han Solo or wearing her slave outfit, which some parents might object to small children looking at. No nudity or profanity or anything like that at all. Generally good fun! - This was very very close to a 5 for me, the only problem is the other books have a "bed time to a toddler" feel to them, I have a little girl and this would have been perfect except there is a large section of the book where the princess is a teenager. While I am sure I will deal with these themes soon enough, it seems a little arkward to explain them to a 3 year old, maybe if it was a smaller section of the book...or if the cover was a little less misleading.
- My daughter wanted this book for her dad because he is a Star Wars fan and he already owned "Darth Vader and Son". She doesn't like Star Wars but likes this book because she is a little princess too. "Darth Vader and Son" is based on 4 year old Luke while "Vader's little princess" has more humor based on teenage Leia's relationship to her dad. I would have liked more little girl and daddy humor but I guess Jeffrey Brown did not want to repeat everything he had already done in the Vader and son book.